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Fast Facts – UroLift® System and BPH (Enlarged Prostate)

UroLift Procedure

  • Breakthrough for patients with enlarged prostate

  • Outpatient procedure, can be performed in office setting under local anesthesia; procedure typically takes one hour or less.

  • Only BPH procedure shown to not cause new onset, sustained sexual dysfunction. No instances of de novo, sustained erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction observed.[1]

  • First-line treatment option that gets men off BPH medications and allows them to avoid major surgery

  • An earlier alternative to medical therapy that provides a risk profile better than reported for TURP and symptom relief better than reported for medication.2,5

  • Rapid symptom relief and recovery – results in days not months

  • Involves no cutting, heating, or removal of prostate tissue; immediate visible result

  • Patients experience rapid symptom relief, recover from the procedure quickly, and return to their normal routines with minimal downtime (patients can return to normal activity in days).

  • Most common adverse events reported include hematuria (some blood in urine), dysuria (discomfort urinating), pelvic pain, micturition urgency and urge incontinence. Most symptoms were mild to moderate in severity and resolved within 2 to 4 weeks after the procedure.

  • Five-year data from a randomized study shows the UroLift System offers not only rapid improvement, but also durable relief for patients with BPH. After five years, patients treated with the UroLift device continue to experience symptom relief with minimal side effects, with few patients requiring an additional procedure for relief[2]

  • Alternatives fall short:

    • Medication can be inadequate and temporary, with side effects such as sexual dysfunction, dizziness and headaches, prompting many patients to quit using the drugs; Studies show UroLift procedure provides greater symptom improvement than medication.1,[3]

      • A recent study found that men with BPH who used finasteride (also known as proscar and propecia) to treat their condition experienced worsening erectile dysfunction that did not resolve with continued treatment. In addition, they experienced a reduction in their testosterone levels leading to hypogonadism (little to no production of sex hormones).[4] 

    • Current surgical options such as TURP can be very effective in relieving symptoms; they can also leave patients with permanent side effects such as urinary incontinence and erectile dysfunction. Clinical data shows that the UroLift device compares very well to TURP with regard to efficacy, and is superior to TURP at preserving sexual function and offering a more rapid recovery.[5]

    • The UroLift System has a risk profile better than reported for surgical procedures, such as TURP.

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